Ministry Information
Eucharistic Ministers
The Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest who is celebrating the Eucharistic service. This may include assisting in the preparation of the altar and also serving as a chalice bearer (serving the chalice to the people during Holy Communion).
Lectors read the appointed Scriptures for the day and lead the prayers of the people. While the majority of lectors are adults, any person who is capable of reading aloud is welcome to join this ministry. (We'll train you before asking you to stand up and do it!)
Acolytes assist with liturgical processions, receive the weekly offering, and help prepare the altar for Holy Communion. Acolytes usually serve one Sunday a month but may be called upon to serve at extra services around Easter or Christmas. Children (about 3rd grade up) as well as adults can serve as acolytes.
Oblationers present the bread and wine during the offering at the 10:00 am Sunday service. Any member of St. Michael's, regardless of age, is welcome to participate in this ministry. Two participants are preferred for each service, and can be family members or friends, or anyone at all. This is a fantastic ministry for anyone including godparents, and godchildren.
The ushers greet worshippers and distribute the orders of worship at the church door. The ushers count the number of worshippers present (so the priest can make sure that adequate bread and wine are prepared for communion) and collect and present the weekly gifts and offerings. Ushers also serve as ministers of hospitality to visitors and newcomers, to answer any questions they may have.
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina (Holy Reading) is an ancient and venerable way of encountering the Bible in its depth, and as a word of hope for our own times. Bishop Wallis Ohl leads this group on Wednesday nights in the St. Michael's Library, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. No previous experience is required, only a desire to encounter God and a willingness to listen "with the ear of the heart."​
St. Michael's Crafters ( Prayer Shawls)
The Knitters and Crocheters of St. Michael's (including participants from several other churches in the Norman area!) make items to be given away to others. These items include prayer shawls, purple baby caps (to raise awareness of Shaken Baby Syndrome), scarves for the Norman Community Christmas Dinner, small articles of clothing (caps, scarves, ditty bags, and vests)for Mariners and Special Olympics. We sometimes do special projects which are brought to our attention. The knitting group meets Wednesday evenings in the Ingathering Space from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm.
For additional information, contact Amy Gardner at 366-8321 or
Feeding the Unhoused
Once a month we prepared 40 meals for our unhoused friends. The Social Injustice league of Norman picks up the meals and delivers them to those who cannot get to other areas for an evening meal.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Each year we collect money for, prepare and deliver around 45 baskets to Aging Services.
Norman Community Christmas Dinner
Started at St. Michael's in 1987 with the slogan "No one should be alone on Christmas." bringing together those who had no place to go for Christmas Dinner and fellowship. This event now has its own organization and the dinner is held at Norman High School and feeds around 2000. Donations of money, toys and gifts start December.
​Hospital & Home Visits
When a member of the St. Michael's community is in the hospital for any reason, the clergy and parish office should be notified as soon as possible. Hospitals and other medical care facilities are generally not allowed to contact the churches directly, the individual themselves should share this information. (A family member or friend may be authorized to share this information, with the patient's permission.) Please call the parish office at (405) 321-8951 to let us know. Our clergy and lay ministers want to minister to the needs of all St. Michael's parishioners. But we need your help, in order to know how to help.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV)
The practice of lay persons taking the sacrament with them after a Eucharistic celebration dates to the beginning of the Christian church. Early Christians received enough of the sacrament at a Sunday Eucharist for them to be able to communicate themselves and others between Sunday Eucharists. The modern church has revived this practice. The Canons of the Episcopal Church state that a licensed lay person may "Directly following a celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Sunday or other principal celebrations, (take) the sacrament consecrated at the celebration to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the celebration." This ministry is an extension of the altar rail from our eucharistic celebration to our larger parish community. Lay people take communion directly from the service to those unable to attend the Sunday liturgy. Please contact the parish office if you (or someone you know) would like to receive Communion at home on a regular basis.
Care Team
By longstanding tradition, the Archangel Raphael is understood to have great powers of healing for those who are sick or in distress. Our Care Team allows us participate in that healing ministry and fulfill Christ’s commandment to love our neighbors by caring for those in our church family who need it. Our care can include delivery of home-cooked fresh or frozen meals to be heated up, transportation to doctors’ offices or for grocery shopping, or by visiting those who are alone and housebound. For additional information about how you can help the Care Team or to request the team's assistance, please contact:
Debi Kelley 405-306-3450 (
Church office: 405-321-8951 (
Prayer Team
The Prayer Team is a ministry that has been active at St. Michael's for many years. Members dedicate themselves to daily intercessory prayer for those in need of this spiritual support. Prayer requests may be made by members of the congregation on behalf of themselves, other church members, family, friends, or people outside St. Michael's congregation. In addition to prayers for physical, mental or spiritual needs, the Team offers up prayers of thanksgiving for blessings and healings received. We believe this ministry strengthens the spiritual life of the parish and provides a resource of caring support for people in times of need, as well as joy and thanksgiving.
Confidentiality of prayers is maintained within the prayer group. Prayers may be requested by contacting the parish office, or by contacting the Coordinator, David Sims.
Cleveland County Crop Walk
CROP - Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty - is a nationwide, ecumenical effort to raise awareness and raise funds to fight hunger and poverty. Our family-friendly charity walk is one of more than 800 CROP Walks across the country and is organized by volunteers from local faith groups and community organizations. CROP Walk proceeds support the international hunger-fighting, disaster relief and development projects of Church World Service.
Twenty-five percent of CROP Walk proceeds will be donated to Norman’s Food & Shelter Inc., which provides housing for homeless families and individuals, free meals and other vital services to those in need. St. Michael's is one of many sponsors of this yearly walk. We also have a team a walkers each year to help raise funds for this event.
Norman Pride Festival
Norman Pride was created to promote advocacy and provide support for our LGBTQ2SIA+ community. Norman Pride is committed to working with our community partners to provide safe spaces and create events to celebrate and strengthen our LGBTQ2SIA+ community and the diversity that defines the city of Norman. St. Michael's has booth at the festival and participates in the parade to show our support for the LGBTQ2SIA+ community.